The Growling Granny

The book, Stink: The Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown by Megan McDonald, entered my son’s life recently. Previously Stink taught him about President James Madison, the solar system, and how to cure hiccups but basically he has just reinforced my son’s approach to every day–look at the world around you, latch onto something and let your imagination run.  Because of his new book thumb-wrestling is his current obsession.  This isn’t your plain-old school yard thumb-wrestling, though.  It is full of drama, backstory, and costumes.

Yes, costumes.

Imagine Mexican wrestling masks made tiny for one’s thumb.  Thankfully a shipment of felt arrived just in time so we could design some masks and make our thumb-wrestling matches legit.  Haakon’s masks tend towards horns, spikes, fire, and evilness.  The Growling Granny is mine.  She is evil but in an Oil of Olay, doily using, lavender scented way.  When the mask is sewn I’ll post a picture.  Until then, what other non-traditionally evil thumb-wrestling opponents should I create?