4300 Block of Luverne, North

I have had a lot of positive response to the image “4300 Block of Luverne St., South” which is nice because it is an image that I really like, too.  When our neighbors put up a Little Free Library across the street I knew that this image needed to be made into a bookmark to give out in the library. When I drew the original picture I knew I wanted to draw the north side of our street, as well, but got distracted by other projects.  I have finally gotten around to working on it and here is a sneak peek.

A glimpse at the second in a series.

I plan on working my way around Duluth, and the blocks that have Little Free Libraries, creating images for each neighborhood and making them into bookmarks for each specific library.  I know of libraries on Dodge, Jefferson, Skyline, and off of Owatonna in the Woodland neighborhood.  If you know of any others let me know in the comments section or contact me via email.