House Hunters

Since we’ve been settled into our house life has been up and down.  We are trying to find a routine and make connections.  Some days are great and others drag on forever.  The start of our time in Turkey was consumed by the process of finding a house so we did not have the time to think about what we would do once we were in one place.  As I was writing and drawing this comic I looked somewhat longingly back on the process.  We had a goal and we were working to achieve it.  Now we don’t have a goal and are trying to find it.  I am sure one will develop soon.

I don’t miss living out of a suitcase, though.


  1. Jenn @ Juggling Life September 6, 2010

    I love the honesty of this. The brilliance is good, too!

  2. lime September 6, 2010

    i remember house hunting in trinidad and being taken to a place that had some sort of crazy burnt offering shrine in the middle of the living room. we couldn’t get out of that one fast enough. congrats on achieving the goal. next goal…find language helpers??

  3. rcazares56 September 6, 2010

    Yeah, House Hunters Int’l is one of my favorite shows, but not in a realistic sense. So glad you guys held out for the 400-yr-old place and didn’t jump for the concrete block walls! You could have picked a bigger city, found connections there, but they would have probably been American, Canadian, or British – not exactly the point of your trip. So, as you try to fill the hours, you stretch yourselves in ways you couldn’t have imagined. So interesting for us stuck in routines back home! I really don’t get the fear of breezes, though! Oh, and the yogurt, water and salt! Ick, ick!

  4. Colleen September 6, 2010

    I dish out the nazar all the time! Now I know what to call it.

  5. Deborah September 7, 2010

    I just wish I could invite you all for dinner. Or the weekend. Or longer. Can totally understand the difficulty of living without a goal, especially since you have spent the last how many months? years? planning for this sabbatical year.
    Your comic strip is great, Byron. Ever so slightly plaintive, in the nicest way.

  6. Barb September 8, 2010

    Where I come from the “Nazar” is called the “teacher stare” or alternatively “teacher glare”. We’ve all felt it and lived under it. Now I get to practice it weekly and teach it to other soon-to-be-teachers. I’m sure that A & H are relieved that the only nazar they’ll endure at Home School will be yours. bb

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